In the past few years Lake Wenatchee has become a popular fishery, and is establishing a pattern of excellent returns. This post will tell you where to launch your boat and concentrate your fishing for the best results.
To learn tips and tricks for catching sockeye check out the sockeye page.
There is a public launch at the state park on the east end of the lake. Technically you launch in the Wenatchee river, and then go upstream a few hundred yards to the lake. The ramp is in good shape and there is a dock.
However the dock is quite small and can really only support a couple of boats before those boats get in the way of those waiting to launch next. If you use the dock, please move your boat as far down as possible to be courteous to those launching next.
A fairly wide gravel area is downstream where you can beach your boat.
There are a few handicap trailer parking spots right next to the launch. These are a tight fit to get into, so only attempt it if you are confident in your trailer backing up skills – and have a handicap pass – of course.
Other parking is available nearby for trailers, however you do have to disconnect the trailer from the car. I suggest coming prepared with wheel chocks and trailer locks to ensure your trailer will be there when you are done fishing.
There is limited additional parking along the road to the group camp and amphitheater.
With only 1 ramp the launch backs up pretty quick. Wait times are typically in the 30-45 minute range to launch during sockeye season.
As it is a state park launch you can either pay the daily fee (currently $7), or buy the annual pass.
Use this wait time to prep your boat and gear for launch, so when it is your turn you can launch immediately. An ideal way to launch is to:
- Have someone in the boat who can drive it
- Undo the strap & safety chain
- Back up until the boat is about to float
- Have that person then start the motor and back the boat off the trailer
- They can then hold position in the water until the car is parked and everyone is ready to hop on
- Then a quick dart into shore to load up and away you go
The area around the launch and into the lake is a no wake zone. You’ll see the buoys where it ends. If the water is low pay attention as there are some huge boulders in this area that a low hanging prop could potentially hit.
For the fishing there are 3 main trolling areas. The first 2 roughly follow the northern shore. Many people will fish closer to the shore than the middle of the lake, but fish can be found out in the middle too.
The last location is the general area around the mouth of the White River. This is probably the most popular spot, and the place to go if fishing is tough.
For information on what sockeye rigs to use at Lake Wenatchee please check this out.