Lake Pateros – or Brewster Pool as it is sometimes called – is a pretty simple fishery for location. Like most popular fisheries when in doubt just follow the fleet.
To learn tips and tricks for catching sockeye check out the sockeye page.
The sockeye like hanging out in the old river channel from before the dam was built, and it is along this channel that most fishermen focus their efforts.
The channel is fairly straight, but does have a sharp bend in it near the mouth of the Okanogan. When you are near the Okanogan end of the trolling pattern keep an eye on the depth finder, as it can shallow up quick.
It is a popular fishery, so expect to be around a lot of other boats. If this isn’t your thing, then I suggest staying on the outside edge of the fleet. You can also pick up fish completely away from the crowds, so feel to explore and watch that finder.
The closest launch is in Brewster. The ramp is in good shape, and has a nice dock. Parking is fairly limited, but plenty of street parking exists.
It does get rather busy during the peak season. Give yourself at least 30 mins to launch on a weekday, and up to an hour on Fridays and weekends. Use that time to get your boat ready to go, so you can launch immediately when it is your turn.
For information on Brewster Pool sockeye rigs and fishing tips please check this out.
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